Some Features of Our Tests

All tests created at Precise Solutions are designed and delivered with maximum care and utmost attention to details utilizing state-of-the-art technology.

Fully Customized

ONE size does NOT fit all

All aspects of the life-cycle of the test from content and format to delivery and reports are customized by Precise Solutions according to the requirements of each client.

A cure-all language proficiency test that can serve all purposes for all educational institutions and programs is scientifically unattainable and logically inconceivable.

There are barely two programs, even at the same educational institution, that are entirely identical in content, purpose or methods of instruction. This demands for very specific assessment tools that reflect each curriculum, the methods and the objectives of instruction as well as the individual needs and requirements of the learners.

On the Cloud

Accessible from Anywhere at Anytime

Precise Solutions’ distributed Cloud architecture will provide each client with secure access to a dedicated Cloud slice that keeps the data for each client separate and protected.

Our Cloud, which is entirely owned and operated by Precise Solutions, makes us independent of third-parties in running our datacentre and rendering our services.

All test items, responses, reports and other elements of a test are encrypted on our secure Cloud. All tests and services can be conveniently and securely accessed and managed from any location and at all times.

Our servers in Canada guarantee the protection of data and personal information according to the Canadian Privacy Act and protection of Information, one of the strictest in the world.

All Language Skills

Each test covers all four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as subskills such as vocabulary, structure, functions, and intention.

Our tests enjoy a variety of advanced and flexible item types and formats that were simply not possible in the traditional pen-and-paper testing.

If there are any other aspects of language proficiency that you wish to measure, simply let us know and we will include them in your test.

Multiple Randomized Versions

Multiple parallel versions of a test are meticulously constructed and randomly assigned to test takers. This will protect the integrity of the test content and will allow for parallel retakes for any reason.

As an added level of test integrity, test items, sections of a test, and choices can be randomly shuffled for each test taker taking the same test at the same time.

Meaningful Reports

Detailed individual, group and comparative reports provide details for further analysis and decision making.

Tests that are customized according to the course content and objectives have maximum validity and reliability. Therefore, results of custom-made tests are equally valid and provide the best data for fair decisions to be made.


All throughout the process of test construction, each test item and the whole test battery are assessed against standard reference benchmarks. The two major benchmarks we use to gauge the level of difficulty of the tests are Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). We provide conversions tables to convert scores from one benchmark to another if needed.

Easy to Administer

Utilizing the latest technologies will allow for all components of a test and all aspects of a test session to be managed so conveniently and securely.

Nothing is installed on, nothing is taken from, the test taker’s computer.

Customized Dashboard

With a secure and dedicated dashboard, you can choose a test, or even parts of a test, create login credentials and download test reports.

There is a lot more you can do using your customized dashboard. Tell us what you need to do, and we will make those features available in your dashboard.